After five balls have been won, the contestants have to choose one last decision to make over the final jackpot total. They are each presented with two final golden balls. One has "Split" printed inside it and the other has "Steal" printed inside it.
>>If both contestants choose the Split ball, the jackpot is split equally between them.
>>If one contestant chooses the Split ball and the other chooses the Steal ball, the Stealer gets all the money and the Splitter leaves empty-handed.
>>If both contestants choose the Steal ball, they both leave empty-handed.
In the video, we have Sarah and Steven.
Steve promised to split, but Sarah chose to steal.
Why did she choose steal rather than collaborate with Steve and share the $100,000?
Was she right?
Was Steve totally wrong to choose split?
What would you have done in his situation?
Both players sit face to face, and can talk to each other, and agree on a strategy.
However, Sarah betrayed him.
Steve and Sarah relate to the choices faced by firms in oligopolitic markets, and collusive agreements between oligopolists often fall apart.
Can you explain why?
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