Sunday, April 17, 2011

Tax Day 2011: A Random Collection Of Funny, Educational Or Just Plain Weird Videos

U.S. Firms Shipped Millions of Jobs Overseas in 2000s

In economic news, new data from the U.S. Department of Commerce shows the largest U.S. multinational companies cut their work forces in the United States by 2.9 million over the past 10 years, while increasing employment overseas by 2.4 million. In 2009, the contrast was most stark. Th U.S. companies cut 1.2 million jobs at home while adding 100,000 jobs overseas.

Income For Nation’s Wealthy Soars As Tax Rate Falls

Newly released tax data shows the tax rate for the wealthiest Americans has been effectively cut in half since the mid-1990s. In 1995, the richest 400 Americans paid on average 30 percent of their income in federal taxes. In 2007, the richest Americans paid less than 17 percent. During that same period, the combined annual income of the richest 400 Americans soared from $6 billion to $23 billion. On Monday, tax day protests were held in some 300 cities. Many protesters focused their attention on Bank of America, Wells Fargo and Google for avoiding to pay their full share of taxes by using tax code loopholes.

Burchell Marcus: “My name is Burchell Marcus, I’m the community director for the Borough of Brooklyn. I would like to see my tax dollars go to education. They’ve been cutting too much money away from education. Our kids are not being properly educated, right? Instead of spending the money for the war take that money and put it into the economy so we can solve the problems here.”

Tax Man Max
If the tea party movement had seen this growing up, perhaps they would understand why we pay taxes in the first place

Last Minute Tax Tips from Hollywood Boulevard Superheroes

Gotta Love Tax Season : KatzAbosch Certified Public Accountants & Consultants

Poor Christopher has worked longer than he thinks while working so hard on tax returns for his clients at KatzAbosch

Our KatzAbosch protagonist waxes philosophic about work and life during this tax season.

They say Death and Taxes are the only two things in life that are certain, but not necessarily for a Certified Public Accountant.

Your favorite CPA poses a hypothetical solution to a talk show host's hypothetical situation

The founder of Tax Masters shows the lengths he will go to have you treated fairly, and with respect.

Alternate commercial for Tax Masters

An intimate message for all Americans on Tax Day.

How To File Your Taxes Online Using Onions & Electrolytes
In 2007, someone made a video showing you how you could charge an iPod with electrolytes and an onion. Why not use the same process for filing your taxes?

Tax the Churches
Vintage Carlin railing against an entity that possesses major political power while not shouldering the burden of paying taxes.

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