Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Politics of Sugar

We -- Americans, and ever more of the global population -- eat too much sugar, and eating too much sugar is bad for us. ("Too much" of anything is bad for us, hence the name.)

One of the reasons we eat too much sugar is because high-fructose corn syrup can be derived inexpensively from subsidized corn. An inexpensive sugar source makes it economical for food manufacturers to add copious amounts of sugar to our diets. The more sugar we get, the more we eat, and the more we want. So high-fructose corn syrup is an important reason we eat too much sugar, and eating too much sugar is bad for us. That, in turn, is why high-fructose corn syrup is bad for us; because it contributes to our excessive sugar intake. What makes HFCS bad is far more about quantity, than quality.

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