Friday, May 13, 2011

The stock market is controlled by algorithms that are fighting with each other

Last year, the stock market suffered what's now called "the flash crash." The prices of shares in the US fell by 6 percent in 5 minutes. How could it happen? Algorithms. The algorithms that now control the stock market.

Algorithms: The Butterfly Shake, by Cyborg Trading Systems
A live example of a Cyborg high-frequency trading algorithm. This algorithm will allow you to profit from small changes in market price, by getting in and out as fast as possible. The Shake Algorithm is designed to reach maximum profitability based on the amount of time it is running in the market, rather then a specific market direction

Inside Look - High Frequency Trading - Bloomberg
The Battle Between High Frequency Traders and Institutional Investors - Interview with Former NASDAQ Chairman Alfred Berkeley (Taking Stock)

Interview and discussion with Joseph Saluzi of Themis Trading. He shares his thoughts regarding the flash trading occurring in the market. (Bloomberg News)

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